In my attempts to pass on as much of my drumming experience as possible I often come across ideas that really sell themselves to my drum pupils and online drumming friends. Often, it’s a case of trying to explain something quite dry and techy when all the drummer wants to do is bash out a few tunes and work on their favourite licks. Cool, but what if there was a way to learn technique, groove and great licks within one lesson format…

Well, I think I have it. I’m not re-inventing the wheel here but my new range of Legend Drummer Video Lessons should help to teach all of the above while also being inspiring and fun. I’ve started the range by focusing on John Bonham.

John Bonham was a master groover and came up with some really tasty drum licks, fills and beats for us all to learn from. Jimmy Page could write some monster riffs as well of course. Put this all together, John Bonham with Led Zeppelin, and you get a rather exciting and fun way of learning the drums while also keeping an eye on musicality and musical context.

With these new videos (specifically for Bonham/Zeppelin this time) I intend to do the following…

  • Take the best drum beats and fills from the classic Led Zeppelin tunes and offer these mini video drum lessons individually for download.
  • Package all the beats and fill video lessons from each tune and offer these as a “Song Packages
  • Finally, I intend to bundle up all Bonham video drum lessons into one large package and offer this as a mega download or a posted DVD.

I’m pretty excited by the possibilities as I belive this will be popular amongst drummers who feel that learning the technical stuff just isn’t for them and just want to play along to their favourite music.

I’ve started the process and as I write this morning I have my first set of mini videos available for various songs. More videos will be added later this week and I hope to have my first full “Song Packages” up and available for download by the end of this week.

I’ve written other blog articles on Bonham recently. You can view one explaining the “Bonham Bass Drum Triplets“. Or one explaining the “Bonham Triplets“. Don’t get confused by the similar titles though as they are supposed to be two separate subjects.

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