One of my Spanish followers actually spent the time to translate into Spanish the three drum lesson videos I uploaded in the past teaching you how to read drum music and drum notation…amazing! Even more amazing was that he kindly emailed me with the translations and has allowed me to share them with you all.

Below are the three Word document files, each of which accompanies one of the video lessons. Martin has also included all of the example images as well, so you can really follow the translation.

Below are the three Word documents containing the translations. Click on each link to download the file. I’m sorry that I don’t have them in more formats, but you should be able to convert a Word document to other platforms if necessary. I hope all of my Spanish pupils find this useful and thank you very much again to Martin for putting in all of this effort!

Lesson 1: LECTURA_DE_MUSICA_EN_BATERIA_Video1 – Video Link:

Lesson 2: LECTURA_DE_MUSICA_EN_BATERIA_Video2 – Video Link:

Lesson 3: LECTURA_DE_MUSICA_EN_BATERIA_Video3 – Video Link:


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