I’m excited to announce that I have now officially started writing my New Drum eBook about Famous & Great Drum Fills. It’s going to be my biggest book so far and will accompany my last eBook entitled The Greatest Drum Beats & Grooves Of All Time. You can view samples from this eBook by clicking here.

I completed the transcription process of over 200 songs just the other night meaning that I can now start to actually compile and write the book itself. The eBook will feature over 250 individual drum fills and will use further notation examples to demonstrate how to practice and learn these popular drum licks.

Here is a screen shot from the first page of the book as it currently stands. I have no doubt that the layout and wording will change in future drafts.

Great & Famous Drum Fills eBook Page Sample

The book will be written throughout in this light and clean manner. I wanted the book to be easy to read and follow and not cluttered with confusing technical terms and unnecessary clutter. Each drum fill will feature it’s own description and break down.

The plan in the future is to record a video drum lesson for each of the drum fills in the book. I will obviously keep you up to date on these as and when they are produced.

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