Difficulty Level**Reply to a question asked in the old Drums The Word Forum**

Hey Jamie,

I just don’t have time to do any video tutorials on specific songs at the moment, there will be more in the future though! I’m sorry about that. I’m currently working on a whole series of beginner based tutorial videos an hour in length each that I’m very excited about. More news on these within the next few weeks!

Because you asked me a specific question about the chorus of the song Underdog by Kasabian I was able to find the time to help you out. While I was at it I thought I’d go over the verse as well just for good measure.

First of all, the drums sound heavily sampled. The drummer obviously played the parts but they were then digitised and run through some sort of sampler. Because of this the drums are quite hard to hear, especially those pesky ghost notes.

This is what I was able to hear being played most of the time for the verse…

"Underdog" - (Kasabian) Drum Beat Video Drum Lesson Notation Chart Transcription Sheet Music Drum Lesson

The last ghost note of the bar is replaced with two thirty second note ghost notes occasionally, especially when moving into the break where the drums cut out before the chorus. Here is this bar written out for you also…

"Underdog" - (Kasabian) Drum Beat Video Drum Lesson Notation Chart Transcription Sheet Music Drum Lesson

Finally, here is the chorus groove….

"Underdog" - (Kasabian) Drum Beat Video Drum Lesson Notation Chart Transcription Sheet Music Drum Lesson

Hope this helps Jamie and sorry I didn’t have time to go into greater detail for you.

Happy drumming!



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