Difficulty LevelIn this free video drum lesson we’re going to take a look at the super cool triplet drum fill break from the song Don’t Look Back In Anger by Oasis. Alan White was the drummer on the recording and at around 3:34 he gets his own one bar mini drum solo.

I remember trying to learn this drum fill many years ago and never being able to quite work it out. Well, years later I can show you what I struggled to work out and there’s a little bit more to this drum fill than you might have expected. Lets find out how Alan White actually plays it…


Don’t Look Back In Anger” – Free Video Drum Fill Drum Lesson

View the video on YouTube HERE – Learn How To Play Drums Don’t Look Back In Anger Video Drum Lesson (Oasis & Alan White)


Don’t Look Back In Anger” – Drum Fill (3:34 Album Version)

Don't Look Back In Anger Drum Fill Notation (Oasis & Alan White)

The first thing to understand is that Alan plays with a slight swing on this recording. No doubt emulating the 60’s drummers that influenced his playing, including Ringo Starr of course.

The drum fill really starts at the end of the first bar above, on the ‘a’ of beat 4. Alan moves into the one bar drum fill with a series of hits between the high tom and snare drum. Beat 2 sees a ghosted snare drum note on the ‘+’ of beat 2. This note is played quietly but can be left out if you’re finding it too hard to include.

Alan plays a single snare drum note on the ‘a’ of beat 2 with the left hand just before starting a line of sixteenth note triplets on beat 3. It’s the fact that he moves to triplets for the drum fill that makes it quite distinctive in the first place.

The bass drum is played on beat 3 on it’s own and then the hands come in, starting with the left hand, to play three notes on the snare, four notes on the high tom and finally four more notes on the floor tom. Notice that, including the bass drum, Alan plays three groups of four notes through both beats of triplets.


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