Difficulty LevelWhen I first heard the song Sunburn, I immediately became life long fans of the band Muse. Not only was this song the perfect mix of rock with piano but Dominic Howard‘s drum parts were suburb! The drum beat that Dom plays on Sunburn is simply one of my favourite beats of all time!

In this free video drum lesson I’m going to show you how to play the verse drum beat but I’m also going to break it down and show you a simplified version also. This will allow new drummers and beginners to have a go as well hopefully.

As always, please email me if you have any questions or you can contact me on the Drums The Word Facebook Page.

Have fun!


Sunburn” – Free Video Drum Lesson

View the video on YouTube HERE – Learn How To Play Drums Sunburn Video Drum Lesson (Muse & Dominic Howard)


Sunburn” – Verse Drum Beat

Sunburn Verse Drum Beat

Here is the actual verse drum beat that Dom plays, starting at 0:07 into the song.

Notice that there are no bass drums played on beat 1 of either bar. Some drummers might find that quite tricky so look out for this.

Also notice the ghost notes written in brackets between the hi-hats. Some of them are doubled up in the second bar. These doubled ghost notes are played LL and start exactly in between the hi-hats.

There’s also a buzz stroke played on the + of beat 4 in bar 1. This is played by squeezing the stick at the end and, with some pressure, pushing down into the snare with the left hand.


Sunburn” – Simplified Verse Drum Beat

Sunburn Simplified Verse Drum Beat

For the simplified version above I’ve taken out all of the ghost notes, the doubles and the buzz stroke. If you are finding the lack of bass drum on beat 1 still too difficult then feel free to add in an extra bass drum if required. This will still work.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions and I hope you all have a happy holiday! 🙂

You can DOWNLOAD the FREE PDF drum notation by clicking HERE.


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Please email rob@drumstheword.com or contact me through the Contact Form if you have any questions at all.

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