Difficulty LevelIn this free video drum lesson I’m going to show you some more great drum fills and drumming from Travis Barker on the song “All The Small Things“. Say what you like about Blink 182, Travis’ drumming shines through showing a level of class that cuts through the Bubble Gum pop.

I’m going to show you how to play two drum fills from the song All The Small Things. These two drum fills are not as standard as you might think on first listen and it was only until after I transcribed these drum licks that I discovered just how interesting they are.

Lets take a look at these two great drum fills now…


All The Small Things” – Free Video Drum Fill Drum Lesson

View the video on YouTube HERE – Learn How To Play Drums All The Small Things Video Drum Lesson (Blink 182 & Travis Barker)


All The Small Things” – Drum Fill (0:25 Album Version)

All The Small Things Drum Fill Notation (Travis Barker & Blink 182)

Travis is known for his super fast single strokes around the kit and there’s nothing particularly hard about that (just some regular practice over time). But when you mix up the single strokes around multiple sound sources and involve the hi-hat then things start to get a bit tastier.

In this drum fill Travis strikes the open hi hat on the ‘+’ of beat 2 before continuing on the snare drum. He then finishes this super smooth lick with a flurry up to, and then back down from, the high tom. It all happens so fast that you’re left wondering about what was just played!


All The Small Things” – Drum Fill (1:17 Album Version)

All The Small Things Drum Fill Notation (Travis Barker & Blink 182)

This drum fill is a bit special. Travis throws in his bass drum into the mix to give us a real linear style drum fill played at super fast speeds.

Travis moves up and around the drums for the first three notes, throws in a bass drum for the fourth note and then plays the snare drum and half open hi-hat open handed. He then drops in a second bass drum note right after the open hi-hat and snare drum. The pattern is then repeated a second time before the bar ends with four sixteenth notes played on the snare drum.

This particular fill is rather tricky to play smoothly due to the bass drum notes but well worth the effort as it just sounds so cool!


Check out more drum lessons for Blink 182 below…


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